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Autism and Behaviour

Behaviour is communication.

Sometimes there’s a mismatch between supports, environments and the needs of a person on the autism spectrum. When this lack of communication happens, challenging or concerning behaviours can arise.

This behaviour is sometimes referred to as ‘challenging’ or ‘concerning’ because it challenges everyone who supports the person to understand and seek a solution. Most importantly, it may limit a person’s ability to have a good life.

Positive Behaviour Support can help.

What is Positive Behaviour Support?

Behaviours of concern occur for a reason. In fact, more often than not they are communicating important information about a person’s stress, needs and skill development.

Positive Behaviour Support, or PBS, aims to understand why behaviours of concern occur. It uses a person-centred, evidence-informed approach that is respectful and ethical and supports a person’s dignity. Through its use we can improve an individual’s daily living and relationships.

When people are unable to communicate easily or are misunderstood, behaviour becomes a necessary way of communicating. The role of Positive Behaviour Support is to find out what it is someone is trying to communicate.

Aspect’s approach to PBS

At Aspect Therapy, we are passionate about supporting people on the autism spectrum and their families and carers. To do that, we employ registered Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners, that deliver autism behaviour support and services under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Our PBS Practitioners seek to understand behaviours of concern from multiple perspectives. They then work in partnership with the person, person's family and support network to develop plans and goals for meaningful change.

They can also work with the person’s support staff, such as occupational therapists and speech pathologists to understand and develop a PBS support plan. These plans are designed to assist the person, family member or carer.

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